Funlands and Funmangalaxy — Interactive World of Art

Joshua Wood
9 min readAug 12, 2022


Funmangalaxy is a collection of artwork that has been made into a metaverse filled with surprises! The metaverse, called the Funlands, is a place where one can search for riddles and NFT drops that can lead to rare card packs and new discoveries. Find all the requirements to solve a riddle or blend and the result may be worth the effort.

Why are NFTs involved?
NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, make things more fun because they are tradable assets that can have utility. In a normal video game, all of your items are essentially owned by the maker of the game, but with NFTs, the player owns the items and can sell or trade their assets to other players for crypto currency or other NFTs.

Utility of NFTs

There are a variety of different purposes each NFT can have. Here are a few common ones below.

-Airdrop Targets (Own this NFT to receive airdropped crypto or NFTs)

-Blendables (Use this NFT to blend into more powerful items by burning the asset in something called a blend)

-Drop Keys (Hold this NFT in your wallet in order to claim a specific drop)

-Ownership NFTs (Hold this NFT in order to receive 50% of the sales from the associated drop)

-Collectables (These NFTs are only often released for a limited time and may have little use but a large collectors value)

How to Begin collecting Funmangalaxy NFTs

There are a few ways to obtain funman NFTs, some methods easier than others. Below are a few ways one can all kinds of cool assets.

-Simply purchase them from other players on the secondary market
Link to Atomic Hub HERE (easy)
-Buy NFT Drops directly from the creator
Nefty Blocks link HERE (easy)
-Complete active quests in the Plaza of Koocunoop Village on Telegram
Link to Koocunoop Village HERE (somewhat easy)
-Write NFT descriptions and join the creative team on telegram
Link to the Cave of Drogoliham HERE (difficult)
-Explore the Funlands metaverse for hidden drops and limited time NFTs
Link to the Funlands metaverse HERE (difficult)
-Explore the Kullzian Volcano on Discord and search for NFTs when you own the “Explorer” or “Beast Tamer” asset
Link to Discord HERE (somewhat easy)
-Explore Galactic123 by traveling to planets to mine NFTs
Link to play Galactic123 HERE (somewhat difficult)

-And finally, simply hold certain drop target assets to passively earn NFTs over time. These assets can be found from all of the above links, but there may be some trials and quests to challenge the mind. This is not just an easy click and done game unless you are only buying packs and opening them.

Cyborg Scientist — A rare asset that is nearly impossible to blend.

Funlands — Interactive Metaverse
The rest of this article will include information about the Funlands metaverse and how to search for hidden links to find rare NFTs. Keep in mind this game is still being built, and many limited time drops and packs can be found that are subject to change at any point. This section will have a few major focuses to make it easier to understand, because the Funlands are not for the weak…

The Funlands are filled with hidden dangers, mutants, and goblins who have felt the effects of the Great War. Luckily there are a few kind souls who may help you along the way…

Hidden Drops and Packs
To get your funman empire started, one of the best things you can do is discover hidden drops and NFT packs. These are packs that often can only be claimed only once a day or once every hour. These packs can be opened to obtain a wide variety of different NFTs, including blendables, drop keys, or even airdrop targets. The blendables are the most common drop and can be used to blend important assets such as limited trophies, airdrop targets, drop keys, and ownership NFTs. In some cases, the blendables may be used to blend a rare pack that can be opened for increased odds at rare drops. Every drop has its perks, and some may be more risky than others. A rare find in any drop is a clue scroll. Clue scrolls contain secret messages that hint at how to solve them. This leads into the next section.

Scroll of the Twig — Rare drop in Twig Specialist Pack

Clue Scrolls
A Clue Scroll is a rare NFT drop from certain packs in the Funlands. There are a wide variety of different clue scrolls one can find, and each one has a different solution and a unique reward. Often these rewards take the form of Chest Packs, which may be risky to open depending on the odds of the pack. Sometimes the pack is worth more than the NFTs received once the pack is opened, and this is because some chests may contain high odds for rare drops, but there is always a chance that the pack ends up containing Dung or another common NFT. Other clue scrolls are guaranteed to blend a specific item with no risk, so make sure you ask questions in Telegram or Discord if you need help on a specific clue. It helps to read the NFT description of a clue scroll on Atomic Hub, but they are written in riddles, each with 3 clues to solve. This solution is almost always a hidden blend that required NFTs hinted at in the clues. This blend may procure an important asset (like a drop target or drop key) or may create a rare NFT pack that can be sold to other players or opened for a chance at extremely rare and special drops. These rare drops are often required to blend 1/1 copy funmankeeper and funmanunlock assets, which are the ownership NFTs that are required to own your very own shop page in the metaverse and earn 50% of WAX sales from the associated drops. This leads to the next topic, owning shops and land in the Funlands metaverse.

Own Your Own Shop in the Funlands Ecosystem
To own your own shop page in the Funlands, you must acquire an asset from the funmankeeper schema. These can often be found for sale as a hidden drop in the Funlands for a large sum of WAX, or can be blended with a few rare NFTs in a blend that is usually quite difficult to obtain. The reason these are so hard to get is because they will grant a shop or land page in the metaverse, which always has at least one associated drop. This drop is half price to the owner of the shop because 50% of all drop sales are sent directly to their wax wallet from nefty drops. Also NFTs from the schema funmanunlock can be obtained to gain extra drops within the shop page. While some funmanunlock NFTs add an extra drop to the metaverse, others will have other perks such as creating a portal, blend, or another mechanic in the metaverse that may attract players to your shop page. If your goal is to own one of these shops in the metaverse, then it would be best to join on telegram or discord and ask @toadshaman directly what the easiest way to obtain them is. Also it is good to know what will drop from each shop because some have exclusive drops and may be extremely hard to buy or blend for that reason. The link to buy one of these shops is sometimes hidden in the Funlands in a linked image. When you hover the mouse over the linked image, a text box will come up describing the link. This is likely a link to a hidden drop, a blend, or a link to a new page in the metaverse. Now, time to go into the details about hidden drops.

More on Hidden Links and Exclusive Drops
Many links in the Funlands are small buttons or obvious structures that are clearly visible, but some of these links are completely hidden, sometimes being so small that they aren’t obvious at all. These completely hidden links are key to getting ahead in the world of funmangalaxy. Some players may not know how to get to certain places in the metaverse, and therefore do not have access to as many different drops as other players. Also many of these drops require certain assets in order to claim the drop. These assets are the Drop Keys described earlier in this article. These drop keys will allow player to claim drops that are more rare and often have better pack odds than the beginner drops.

Steel Axe — Drop Key for Firewood Drop

Other drops aren’t packs at all and may just be required for a trophy blend or for solving a clue scroll. Almost all of these drops are limited by a timer that allows only one to be purchased every so often. This timer could be set to 10 minutes or could be set to a full month, so keep in mind that some NFTs that you need may have a wait on them unless buying directly from other players on the secondary market. Usually the best assets to buy from other players are ones that bring perks when exploring the metaverse. The next section will talk about funmantribal and funmanempire NFTs, which may grant passive rewards on random occasions.

Passive NFT Airdrop Targets
Holding certain assets from the funmangalaxy collection may result in occasional NFT drops directly to the wallet of the one holding the NFT. The target schemas for these drops are usually funmantribal, funmanempire, or funman1stgen, so NFTs within these schemas are always good to hold onto. Certain assets will grant rewards much more often than others, especially voyager assets, who get weekly rewards when all is well in the funmangalaxy. Sometimes these rewards are delayed or cut off temporarily, but the goal is that certain assets will be granted weekly packs to the holders of those assets. An example of this system is the Wanderer. The Wanderer is a lower level asset that is granted a lower level pack which can be opened for a chance at mostly Dung or Mead, but there is a slim chance to get a rare drop. Once the Wanderer is upgraded however into an Explorer, then the rewards are doubled and the odds much higher for rare drops. Another example of this is the Nomad, who can be blended by finding the Nomad tent in the Funlands in order to obtain a weekly Nomad’s Chest.

Nomad’s Chest — Weekly Pack for Nomads

Another thing about these drop target NFTs is that they are usually also a Drop Key that is needed to claim an additional weekly chest. On weeks where air drops do not occur, a chest may still be obtained using the drop key. Doing this will help players to get ahead on the search to certain blends and rare trophies of the Funlands.

This game is not for everyone, but the journey is one of growth and creative expression. You may only want to open packs and resell items, or you may just want to obtain a shop and some passive airdrop targets and just sit back and earn NFTs and WAX. You may be completely broke and want to just help write NFT descriptions to earn free NFTs, or you may even want to play just to earn different cryptos and to participate in crossover events with other collections. Whatever the reason you are here is, just know that there is a lot to explore for those who wish to challenge their own mind, and maybe there will be something that no one else has discovered in the world of the Funlands.

Dice Blocks — Blendable drop from the Fair Bet Briefcase

Sneak Peak — Coming Soon, Staking on Waxdao and Galactic123 Utility

Plans for NFT staking on Waxdao to earn different types of crypto are coming soon, as well as plans for utility in Galactic123 and in Nethrim Design! Stay tuned on telegram, discord and twitter to keep up with updates.

Twitter link HERE

